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Top Signs of an Invisible Leak - Preventing Water Damage


It isn't always the great gushes of water that do the most damage. Small, invisible leaks can drip, drip, drip their way into larger water damage restoration projects. But how can business owners determine if they have a leak? 

In this guide provided by the expert team at Putman Restoration, we'll explore the top 5 signs of an invisible leak on your property. We’ll also discuss how thermal imaging technology can unveil hidden sources of water damage without resorting to destructive measures.

The Hidden Costs of Water Damage in Commercial Spaces

The repercussions of water damage on your business extend well beyond the visible surface. Undetected leaks act as silent drains, imposing hidden costs that jeopardize operational efficiency and financial stability. 

If you suspect a leak on your property, contact the pros at Putman Restoration immediately at (318) 515-7981. Having a team of experts on your side will ensure your business is protected from the following consequences: 

  • Unnecessary Downtime
  • Lasting Structural Damage
  • Elevated Utility Bills
  • Mold Remediation Costs
  • Potential Legal and Regulatory Issues

Understanding these costs underscores the importance of proactive leak detection and swift restoration measures to preserve not just the physical structure of your commercial space but the overall financial health of your business.

5 Signs That You May Have a Leak On Your Property

As a business owner, you must routinely monitor your property for any signs of leaking. In order to maintain a regular inspection schedule, we recommend setting aside an hour each month to check for the following indicators.  

1. Unexplained Increase in Water Bills

One of the earliest indicators of an invisible leak is a sudden and unexplained surge in your water bills. If your water usage patterns haven't changed, yet your bills are steadily climbing, it could be a sign that water is escaping your plumbing system somewhere. These leaks are often not visible to the naked eye, making them challenging to detect without professional assistance. We recommend closely monitoring your water bills and investigating any significant fluctuations as soon as you notice them.

2. Mold and Mildew Growth

Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments, and a hidden water leak can create the perfect breeding ground for these unwelcome guests. If you notice any mold or mildew growth on your property, it may indicate water damage. Pay attention to corners, ceilings, or areas near plumbing fixtures, as these are common hotspots for concealed leaks. If you think there may be mold on your property, schedule a mold inspection immediately. 

3. Stains and Discoloration on Walls or Ceilings

Water stains and discoloration on walls or ceilings are telltale signs of water damage. These visible indicators should not be ignored even if you can't see the actual leak. Stains may appear as yellow or brown spots and can spread rapidly, signaling ongoing seepage. If the items inside your property have been damaged by water or mold, our comprehensive contents cleaning service can restore them to their pre-damaged state.  

4. Musty Odors

An invisible leak can also manifest itself through musty odors permeating your property. If you notice a persistent, unpleasant smell that you can't trace back to any obvious source, it could be a sign of hidden water damage. Mold and mildew release distinct odors, and by the time these smells become noticeable, the damage may already be significant. The air quality of your business affects not only your hardworking employees but all of your potential customers as well. 

5. Warping or Buckling of Flooring

Flooring materials like wood or laminate are particularly susceptible to water damage. If you observe any warping, buckling, or uneven surfaces, it may be an indication of water infiltration. Even a tiny, invisible leak can compromise the structural integrity of your flooring over time. The team at Putman Restoration specializes in floor restoration for commercial spaces. Whether it's hardwood, laminate, or carpeted flooring, we have the skills and technology to revive your commercial property quickly.

Utilizing Thermal Imaging Technology for Leak Detection

Most water damage restoration companies use traditional methods of leak detection, which often involve invasive measures such as drilling or tearing down walls. At Putman Restoration, we employ advanced thermal imaging technology to identify invisible leaks without causing additional damage. This cutting-edge technology allows our experts to detect temperature variations caused by water, pinpointing the exact location of the leak.

When it Comes to Water Damage Restoration, Trust the Pros!

While invisible leaks may go unnoticed, the signs of their presence can be easily spotted if you know what to look for. Business owners should remain vigilant for increases in water bills, mold growth, stains, odors, and flooring issues. 

By staying proactive and leveraging advanced technologies like thermal imaging, Putman Restoration can help you swiftly detect and address water damage, minimizing the impact on your property and business. Don't let invisible leaks turn into major restoration projects–trust Putman Restoration to keep your property dry and damage-free!

Do You Suspect a Leak in Your Commercial Property?

Proudly serving Shreveport, LA, and the surrounding communities, Putman Restoration has the skills and technology to get your business back on track. If you suspect a leak in your business, please call us at 318-555-1234. Our team is standing by, ready to deliver the service you deserve. 

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